On Some Mixed Polynomial Exponential Diophantine Equation: \(\alpha^n+\beta^n+a(\alpha^s\pm\beta^s)^m+D=r(u^k+v^k+w^k)\) with \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) Consecutive

Lao Hussein Mude *

Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kirinyaga University, P. O. Box 143-10300, Kerugoya, Kenya.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Let \(a,\alpha,\beta,r,u,v,w\) and \(D\) be any integers and suppose that \(n,m,s\) and \(k\) are non-negative exponent. In this
paper, the diophantine equation \(\alpha^n+\beta^n+a(\alpha^s\pm\beta^s)^m+D=r(u^k+v^k+w^k)\) is developed and investigated for integer solution and its various polynomial identities. Moreover, the study formulates some conjectures for the title equation.

Keywords: Diophantine equation, mixed polynomial, polynomial identities

How to Cite

Mude, Lao Hussein. 2024. “On Some Mixed Polynomial Exponential Diophantine Equation: \(\alpha^n+\beta^n+a(\alpha^s\pm\beta^s)^m+D=r(u^k+v^k+w^k)\) With \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) Consecutive”. Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 39 (10):11-17. https://doi.org/10.9734/jamcs/2024/v39i101931.