Dynamical Virtual-Fenced Warning Technology to Prevent Bridge Pier from Collision with Ships

Liangfei ZHENG

Hunan City University, Changde City, China.

Lan LIU *

Hunan City University, Changde City, China.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In order to prevent bridge piers from collision with ships, this paper introduces a dynamical virtual-fenced warning technology to develop warning system for ships' sailing in the rivers. By means of the technology, geofencing lines are calculated with parameters related land data, water data, ship data, climate data, and other unpredicted data. The technology proposes to assign the geofencing lines in multi-tier so that alert signals can be emitted with different levels according to the ship's being inside or outside of the fencing zones. By defining dangerous velocity and warning displacement, the paper presents details in calculating virtual control points that are used to compute the geofencing lines with cubic B-spline curve. The method and the technology is helpful to develop warning system to prevent bridge from colliding with ships.

Keywords: Intelligent navigation, collision, bridge pier, B-spline, warning system

How to Cite

ZHENG, Liangfei, and Lan LIU. 2024. “Dynamical Virtual-Fenced Warning Technology to Prevent Bridge Pier from Collision With Ships”. Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 39 (10):1-10. https://doi.org/10.9734/jamcs/2024/v39i101930.